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WinNT Sign-On HELP

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My WinNT machine has been running flawlessly for almost a year. Now I am experiencing several weird occurances. 1st.... I occassionally get an error message when shuting down...... "drwtsn32exe.DLL initialization failed - the application failed to initialize because the system is shuting down"...... 2nd.... when logging on, I get a window (on my screen) which has never been there before "C;\WINNT\system 32"..... and 3rd......... today, I get a message (when going on line) "wnad.exe - exception0xc000001e - address 0x0012ffc0".


My assumption is that I have somehow lost/blown-out the "drwts32exe-DLL" file and my system looks for it in "C;\WINNT\system 32" and can't find it. Where can I get this file to restore it to my machine????


The "wnad.exe" problem started today..... and I have no clue what's wrong.


Can anyone out there help me with either of these issues??????






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Have you done all the obvious things first, like reinstalling service packs?? I used to get the first error all the time. For me, it was ICQ trying to close and start the netdetect app when I hit shutdown. I could be something as simple as this. Need a lil more info before I can help more than that

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