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Help-how do I add programs

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I own a stand alone computer with WIN 2k Pro. I was going to fly it to a relative, but I couldn't do it because of the 9/11 attack, so I kept it.


I need some basic help with adding new programs. Do I have to use the add new programs wizard? Is there any resource on the Net that would help? I've got the Dummies book for Win 2k.


What do I do?

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Usually if you put the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive, a window should pop up asking if you want to install the program. Have you tried that yet?

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I tried installing an app on CD and it didn't work. Do apps have to have NT-specific installation programs?


What about installing programs off the net?

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What program are you trying to install?


As far as installing apps from the net. Usually when you download a program, you just have to remember what folder you saved it to. When it is done, just go to that folder and double-click the program. The installation instructions should come up.

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If no window pops up when you put the CD in, that "feature" might be disabled /not working. Use the My computer icon to navigate to the CD drive and look for a program called setup or install.


Also, many programs require you to be an administrator (a specific user right in W2K that can do more than just a user). Make sure you are (it does boot up to a log-on prompt, doesn't it?). Do you log on as an administrator?


Have you used this box for long / installed the W2K yourself? If you for example have a corporate roll-out install of W2K it could be that it only alows you specific rights, and denies you the ability to install anything.



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OK, so far everything is as it should be.


What program is it you can't install from a CD, and what happens when you try?



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I can't open programs from CD's, floppies, or downloaded programs.

I don't get error messages. I was able to install Microsoft's application toolkit. My programs aren't big sellers-not written for NT. They aren't business apps or bandwidth intensive games-not fancy. The developer of one program said I should be able to install them by installing the *.exe file by running it, just like any other Windows program.

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"Can't open programs from CD's" - do you mean that nothing (or no program) on any CD or a floppy is accessible? Can you see a setup or an install icon on the CD ? Can you browse the CD ? What if you doubleclick the file C:\winnt\explorer does that start explorer ?


Lets say the *.exe file you want to run is called setup.exe (the .exe might be hidden) and its in the root directory of your CD drive which is D:. Then try to use the Run.. on the Start menu, click it and in the dialog box you type D:\setup. What happens?



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Thank you for your detailed questions. I feel lucky today!



The Explorer program works. I browsed the CD drive one program and the floppy drive for another. I found the setup.exe files. The drives ran, but nothing happend when I tried opening when I tried opening the files by:

1. Double clicking

2. Right clicking and choosing OPEN

3. Using Run from the Start menu and then either D:\setup.exe or A:\setup.exe


The drives run but no dialog box appears

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It sounds like the problem is with the program, it could be that the proggy just refuses to install. Try to install something else to determine wether this is a general problem or a problem with that particular CD / program.


Maybe it installs or runs in a DOS box so fast that you don't see it. Try to open a DOS window, go to D:\ and try to run the setup from there. Are you sure that the program hasn't installed, maybe it is there but has not created any icons ?


Sorry, I'll be off-line for the next 24 hrs, more or less.



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I have tried installing seven programs. All are windows programs that worked under Win 95. Four say they are NT compatible. If they were compatible with earlier versions of NT they should be compatible win Win 2000 Pro.


They are not installing. I searched for the programs on the C drive and they aren't there. Most CDs don't open automatically. AL Unser Arcade racing opened automatically but it didn't install.


With most programs the setup file won't open regardless of how I tried to open them. On one program the setup.exe file started opening and then I got a message saying some dll files were missing-a long list.


On another program the setup program worked after many attempts. My installation was incomplete because I didn't have the serial number of the program. I found the serial number and uninstalled with the Add/Remove programs wizard. Now the setup program won't open.


I was able to open a CD of consumer info. No programs to install there.

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It sounds like either your CD rom is defect (try to copy all of a CD to a directory and install from there) or your W2k installation is screwed up. I presume that those seven programs are unrelated and on different CD:s, and that at least some of them are on legitimate, factory made disks. Almost all "normal" NT compatible programs work in W2K, but if you suspect the programs to be the problem, you should test by dowloading some win2000 shareware and installing them from the hard drive (www.tucows.com for example has tons of them).


As you say that the box is new, I suggest you take it back to the vendor, and insist they fix it.



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My seven programs were on floppies, CDs and downloads saved to the hard drive. I was able to install two of them-I don't know why they worked this time. I installed a freeware prog from Tucows OK.


I tried copying a complete CD and a complete floppy to the hard drive. The setup.exe files become shortcuts to the setup files on the A or D drives. The other files copied.

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I can't figure out whats happening, but from your last post it seems that everything can work out OK. That means it is likely, but not sure, that your PC is OK. Try to unlearn everything you know about windows and re-learn it again, do things in different ways. Read that book you have carefully. Don't be afraid to ask someone to actually look at what you're doing, its hard to help without seeing what you do.


You can copy a program (instead of making a shortcut) by right click'in it and dragingt it to the new location. Keep the right button pressed and drag the install from the CD to the hard drive and when you let go you'll see the option "copy here".



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