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faxing woes

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I can't fax with Win2k and Office 2k. When I select my file to fax by hitting print and then fax driver. the wizard pops up and i run through the steps and then click fax, but then winword.exe closes due to errors. the same with other programs like excel and powerpoint.


I am running Windows 2000 Pro with SP1.

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Never had this problem on any SP, have you tryed installing fax printer drivers again, or to repair the office installation if it crashes on other occasions as well.

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I installed an old copy of Winfax 8.0 on 2k and it handles my faxing quite nicely, still don't understand Win2k's problem, but will try out your suggestions.

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Compatibility does not have anything to do with it.

Fax is standard apllication it is just emulating com port as a printer.

And since winfax works with the same drivers it is fine. I would still put my money in to office.

Have you tryed faxing something like a graphic file or a txt file?

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Keyword here is the winmodem. smile

As you now they are SW modem's.

However it sshould have worked no matter. Their installation is a bit dodgy as you know. You might not even notice drivers are corrupt etc.

Have you tryed reinstalling it?

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My modem is Win2k and Winxp compatible, it is a Lucent 56k V.90 board, it is actually manufactured by Lucent I think as it doesn't have another company stamp on it. Usually Lucent just provided the chipset.

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I would like to take this opportunity and remind evrybody;

If it ain't broken don't fix it....

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Himm, You are next then.

You probably tryed it but new drivers? Or a new cheap modem.

I mean they go as low as GBP£8.50 at the moment.

Intel Ambient ones .

And I know they work with Winfax.

Updateing the Winfax might also be a solution...

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