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MAJOR driver issues in Windows XP

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These are some of the problems I have been having with drivers and Windows XP (build 2600):

Game Theater XP; We all know what problems XP has with these. Although the drivers need up[censored] and Multi-CPU systems seem to have a problem with this and SBLive! cards.

ATI Rage 128; When XP is loading after the black screen with the blue progress bar on XP will hang hereat least 1 in 3 times i boot my computer.

AOpen PA3000; Same problem as with ATI Card, except locks up everytime, once the drivers are installed.

I thought all this was a problem with my GA7IXE4 motherboard, but reading some of the posts on NT Compatible forums has convinced me Microsoft have dropped another pup. frown

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Yes drivers are scarse. I too have a gtxp and its barely working as a stereo card... At least they are working their butts off because winXP is the next big thing. Everybody will use it in a year and that means companies must shape up no more oh its only for business attitudes!

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Yes, but youd think with all the beta'a and the time companies have had theyd have some drivers out in time for XP's release.


Or isnt XP released yet???

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Windows XP will not be "officially" released until the 25th. So it was more important for the hardware companies to get the OEM hardware working with it than the retail hardware. I just wish Linksys would hurry up with the firmware version that supports UPNP.

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