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Couldn´t install Win XP Final

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Just Spent 18 hours trying to upgrade from XP RC2 to the final version.

I tried to look on several messageboards for some help on my problem, but I couldn´t find that either, so I thought I would post something about it here...


The problem was that when the installation has finished the first part, & then rebooting, it just stopped at the startup screeen (with the blue bars running)..The HD light was on for 3 seconds & then off for 3 seconds (the HD did not have any errors) for a few hours without anything happening


I tried every Raid driver from 1.03, to the newest v. 2 driver..tried to update the bios, took out everything from my pc, turned of USB, etc, etc, etc....and nothing helped.


Then I found out I could install XP on my second HD, so it could only be becuase that I use FAT32 on my second HD, and NTFS is running on my first HD.


So I converted from NTFS to FAT32 with Partition Magic 7 & then I had no problem installing XP on my HD


Just wanted to tell you guys that, becuase I have read that alot of ppl. has problems installing XP, and hope this will help.


My specs:

Abit kt7 raid

2*30GB IBM 75GXP in raid 0

900 Mhz TB

SB Live

Asus Gefore 2 GTS




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Keep away from upgrades, they tend to mess up most of the time. Save your documents on another partition, that's all there is to backup. Apps and stuff you can always install again later...

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