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driver caught in an infinate loop

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The typing of the dead seems to get my driver to go into an infinate loop after a while which freezes up my computer on the second chapter of the game. I have a GeForce2 MX400 card running under WindowsXP Professional build 2600 and this doesn't seem to happen with any other games. I have tried the 21.81, 21.83 and the unofficial 21.85 and all did the same thing. The patch for the rage mobility didn't make it go into an infinate loop as fast but it still did it after I played a few chapters.


I also turned off kernal paging to see if that would help and it did give me a bit of a performance bost but it still did the infinate loop thing with the typing of the dead.

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dude, i get the same problems with those drivers when i try to play video files and stuff, i have found no way to fix it except for reverting to older drivers, i like the 8.04's myself.

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I got an e-mail from Empire interactive technical support.. (the ones who do support for the typing of the dead) and they told me:


"I would suggest reinstalling DirectX8.0a and dropping back to the 12.41 version of the drivers."


I tried that and it didn't help... especially since the directx8.0a dl is for 2k and it won't even install...


Thing is it only seems to happen with that one game and.. I'd hate to hurt my performance in 2D or introducing artifacts or something for this one game going to really old drivers.


So I tried running it in 98\ME compatible mode.. no dice.. 95 mode makes it not as repsonsive but it still froze up..


So I guess I must either wait for a patch for this game or fixed drivers from nvidia which might be never or just not play the game anymore.


Then again I don't have a lot of direc3d games to test this out.. I have need for speed 3 which doesn't seem to exhibit this problem.

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I tried the sims and it also caused my driver to go into an infinate loop when cycling through skins in it. So I went to the manufacterors web page of my card which happens to ne visontek. I downloaded the current drivers from there and they fixed the problem. They happen to be revision number that tech support recommended but they actually fixed the problem where the reference ones didn't.

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