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I know this has been talked about a lot, but I can't even get Windows 2000 to install on my Western Digital ATA/66 HD. It starts out fine, but then after loading up the new drivers from betanews.com for the ATA66 controller it chugs a few more seconds then as it says Windows 2000 starting I get an error to the effect of "can't access boot device..." Has anyone gotten this combination to work:


Abit BP6 (dual celeron)

Western Digital ATA66 18 GB HD

Windows 2000 (build 2128)


Thanks for any replies.


I have tried the latest beta BIOS from the

firingsquad.com, but it didn't change anything. I don't know if the flashing of the BIOS took or not as my BIOS date didn't change, still 06/08/99.


Thanks again

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ATA66 controller has VERY big timing problems with WD ata66 drives frown only with WD though... there is a BIOS update for it, I just can't remeber where I saw it. I think u can just e-mail ABIT asking for beta Win2k drivers.

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One of the earlyer beta bioses had ATA66 bios version 1.10 and the newer beta only has 1.09... Check if ya bios version is 1.10 or 1.09.

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mines 1.09 I tried flashing it:


load bios.bin


doesnt work though, dont know what to do....its just says loading flash eporum or something and goes back to command prompt frown

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