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New GTXP drivers 3.01 findings

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Ok, they are finally here. Please post your findings so I can send this thread to hercules and they hopefully will look linto it.



Here is my findings:


5.1 speaker mode: crackling and popping in speaker test - didnt bother testing games

4.1 speaker mode: speaker test ok! game: Max Payne overkill reverb and weak bass


Turned off Sensaura 3d sound effects (isnt this what we are paying for?) overkill reverb vanished


but no sound from rear speakers in either speaker test or max payne. Weak bass in max payne.


This isnt good enough hercules. Once I get a new audio car

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I confused cos Ive just installed the new drivers and at the top of the Install wizard it said Game Theater XP 6.1

Thats not right is it? I downloaded the right drivers, but are we being fobbed off?

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It said it for me too, but I think these drivers are compatible with the older 5.1 GTXP, just choose 5.1 instead of 6.1 in the GTXP control panel.


However I am running regular stereo no as I've been doing for the past three months frown

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Okie Dokie,


Installed the new 3.01's and now get sound ...woohoo smile

Also, managed to get 4 speakers when playing mp3's, and thats.....all I managed to try at the mo.


We have an emergency situation at home at the mo, and I cannot find the time to get online etc. I will keep you updated as best I can.


Hopefully (can't be sure) I will try a game this weekend.


Alll in all I am happy with the drivers, I haven't installed them in W2k yet tho.

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Im happy with the drivers so far. Im only using stereo speakers but I hope to upgrade them soon.

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Played HL with A3D...


Wicked smile


No bugs as yet, I will keep you posted

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Ya, Yakkob. Klog dyke de vindmill? laugh


The drivers so far have been OK. Im using the Cambridge Soundworks speakers (2.1, if you like) and they seem to be fine, once I got them in the right place and the sub volume right.

Only thing I saw was that when I first installed the drivers and I checked the GTXP control panel the MP3 Playback box was un-checked..confused


Would this have made any difference for playback?


With it switched on CPU usage is 10-20% when playing an MP3.

No, wait. Im lying scum. In Winamp CPU usage is 0-4%.

Damn... Thats good.

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Guys, just so there is no confusion, you have the right drivers, the 6 in 6.1 is a virtual rear channel that is supported, also the gtxp now supports the headphone jack as an extra speaker input (so I hear). It's just like how sblive's have upgradeable rom's, your not being jipped by hercules! the correct site is us.hercules.com and you can read about it there.

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Only tried the drivers with headphones. No problems there. Will probably try with my 5.1 speakers some time.

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I still terrible echoing with EAX in Tribes 2 in W2k.


That new hardware mp3 playback is really cool.

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Yakkob, I dont mean to sound rude man, but we are talking about the new GameTheater XP drivers for Windows XP, not Windows 2000.

There are several releases of updated drivers for 2K, but only one release for XP. If you've tried up[censored] the drivers and still have problems post it somewhere else man, not in XP hardware probs..

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The new drivers are for all OS's 9x/me/2000/xp.

The reason I posted about the eax echo in W2k, is that it is relevant because Tribes 2 does NOT work in XP.


Point taken tho smile

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OK Yakkob. I understand your point.


Ive been playing Max Payne at the same time as playing MP3's from Winamp and the sound has been excelent, apart from the talking in max payne being a bit quiet. But without the Winamp running everything is fine.


I just need to sort out this GFX card now.


LOL laughlaughlaugh

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