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Big internet problem

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When i installed Windows XP, i managed to get my Internet connexion (ADSL) work quite quickly. The ADSL modem is on the LAN and the connexion uses the PPTP protocol (also known as virtual private network (VPN) by Windows). The only problem was that Download accelerator didn't work, although i knew many people who had installed XP for whom it worked. But i recently discovered that the problem is more serious than just a software incompatibility. Download Accelerator didn't work, so i tried GetRight. It doesn't work either. Neither does Go!Zilla. And neither does my FTP client (LiquidFTP). And neither does any game. And neither does WindowsUpdate (i can access it from the web, but when i try start it from the help screen it says that i am not connected). Even the DOS Ping command doesn't work (it says something like: error code 65, transmission failure)! In fact, ICQ, Internet explorer and Outlook Express are the only spftwares that can access the Net. I use no firewall (i have ZoneAlarm installed but it never runs, and i haven't activated the WinXP firewal). Do you know how to solve this problem?

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I hope you know about the built in firewall in XP. That is on default...

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I managed to solve the problem by uninstalling ZoneAlarm. It seems that even if it is not running, the simple fact of installing it mess up with XP.

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You need to take a lot of time to configure it and make the appropriate firewall rules. As a better firewall solution, I recommend the Tiny Personal Firewall...

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Hi I seem to have the same porblems and I am running Tiny Personal Firewall.


I can't seem to be able to do any FTP'ing to any FTP server. All I keep getting is either connection refused (WS_FTP) or IE6 saying FTP error - FTP session was terminated.


Is this still a firewall problem or something else.




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Don't worry fixed it. You have to let ALG.exe (Application Gateway Layer) out/in as well. Pain in the ****.

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