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exiting from a glide game gives black screen

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When I exit out of a glide game (Unreal), using the new suggested glide/D3D fix, I get a black screen. alt-cntl-del does not respond and I have to reboot. This is with a Voodoo 3- 3000 card.


Other than that glide and D3D works fine with these drivers but it is a major annoyance. I never had this problem with the other builds.


Anyone have a possible fix?


[This message has been edited by atodzia (edited September 23, 1999).]

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Problem fixed. I changed my desktop colors to 24 bit and when I exit glide games I do not get a black screen anymore.


When I exit UT I do have a minimized UT on the task bar(?) which I have to close out and when I do I see a GPF message window which closes with no problem. If I open this minimized UT I get the black screen but I can still do an alt-cntl-del and end the UT task.

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