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Brian Frank

Why do my retail experiences suck?

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Man, my purchasing life is a living hell!

Today, I get badgered by some jerk at Electronics Boutique blasting Win2k and telling me that my Audigy would be better under XP--with no good reason other than it was his opinion, which I mind--and then telling me to buy a Radeon 8500--even after I told him about my woeful experience with the original Radeon.


Also, I've been empty handed from another local store for almost 5 months. First, the P3 667 vendor, Intel they say, was playing with them, so after 2 and a half months I told them to scrap that and get me a GF2 Pro. That vendor was BSing them for two months, they claim. Now they've ordered from Newegg a week ago from this past Wednesday.

Next Friday, if they don't have it, I'm demanding my money from the parts I traded in on June 7!mad


All I can say is, as much as I dislike Circuit City, these clowns take the cake. And that is really bad, folks.

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In light of this poor experience, I would like to point out a local shop that has consistantly given me excellent support. Stone Computer is here in Fort Wayne, IN and in Toledo, OH. They also ship to you. They normally have the highest prices in town, but their service is the best. They are not offened if you find a better deal elsewhere, they don't force opinions on you, they present information fairly and accurately, they know what they are talking about and what is currently going on. I don't mind paying a few extra bucks there. They are always polite as well. I'm not saying there aren't a few other good shops around, but Stone is the best in town. It is one of the places I'd really like to work at in town. They are an honest business that is there to make sure you are happy. Really, I don't think I can say how great this shop is.

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The problem is that the kind of people who work in national chain computer shops tend to know nothing about computers, they just spout bullsh*t based on what the box looks like (like "Wow! That's a really brightly coloured box! I bet the product inside must be awesome, dude!") I can't think of any other explanation, because what they say certainly doesn't make sense.


Actually, if I'm feeling vindictive (which happens with amazing regularity laugh ), I love to go into these kinds of stores and start asking technical questions, just to hear the answers they come up with.


If I need to buy anything, I avoid these stores like the plague, and buy online.


AndyF laugh

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You tell it Andy!


If you're looking for advice on buying a new system...or really anything for that matter....don't talk to a salesperson!

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let your friends at NTCompatible be your salesmen


Just from being on this board for the last 6 months or so, I have learned quite a bit of "extra" things that are not normally included in reviews or product discriptions, which helps alot in the building process. And, if there is no topics already starts about your particular question....just start your own.

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