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Domain Controller... Not receiving data over LAN!!! HELP PLE

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I am having a major problem here and am not exactly sure as to what the problem is. My server is:



AMD Duron 750

512MB PC-133

WD 13.3GB ATA-100

Savage 4 Video

SiS 900 NIC


Windows 2000 Server


I don't think the problem is hardware related. But the server is a Primary Domain Contoller with Active Directory. It's DNS appears to be working fine.


When I check the status of the LAN connection it is sending data, but NOT receiving any. It is at 0. Why sent data just moves along.


When browsing the network from any network machine that was on the domain and should be, they show the server, but you can't access it. When browsing the network from the server it self, only it self is shown in the domain.


What is the problem here?


Thank you in advance.



Michael 'HELLBRINGER' Gregory

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Is this a fresh install, or one that was working and just stopped recently? Can you swap out NICs?

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Both... Before it was my 200MHz system with 80MB RAM. I thought it was the motherboard because I tried many different NICs and had the same problem.


Now I have my Duron 750 with an ECS mainboard for this server. I re-formated, and re-installed Windows 2000 Server. And now it is STILL doing the same thing. So it must be a configuration issue. Since it is using the built-in network card, before I was using internal PCI ones. I tried a D-Link 100MBPS and a D-Link 10MBPS and a CompUSA 100MBPS. Now its using an internal built-in SiS 900 100MBPS NIC from the motherboard.


Still having the problem. What is the problem here?

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Have you changed cables? How about ports on the hub/switch? Can you get to web pages and such from the server? Can the other machines ping the server? Can the server ping them back?

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And the subnet is setup correctly? Do you have any sort of firewall software installed? Honestly, I haven't a clue right now. These are just stabs in the dark.

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Yes and Yes.


The web server is separate from the Domain Controller so I can still access the web. I can access all computers on the network except the PDC. Yet it shows up I just cant go into it. But it is showing up. The Domain Controller features are not working. Like I cannot login.


No one ping the domain server. The server cannot ping anyone else either.

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I think so. They are all using


I have a firewall installed on the Web server. That is a diff server. I have 2 servers.


The webserver hosts my website megabytemike.com which should work now. It is directly connected to the Internet. It also has ISA Server on it.


But that has nothing to do with the problem. The domain controller server was working earlier. I'm not sure what happened. But it is not receving any data now. Only sending...

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The domain controller server was working earlier. I'm not sure what happened. But it is not receving any data now. Only sending...

So, it was actually working fine at one point, then it crapped out? Earlier it sounded like you did a fresh install, and it "still" didn't work even with the upgraded hardware. And this change of behavior just came out of the blue? You didn't do anything at all, to any system on your LAN? Oh, why are you using anyway? Just use and reduce your host ID to one octet.

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It was working. I dont remember exactly what I did but it was nothing to the server. I may have been trying to access it. I don't understand! I have checked ALL LAYER 1 Devices! LAYER 2! LAYER 3!... I have checked nearly everything I think.


Do you have any idea why this is happening?


And I don't think anything on the network not on the server could actually affect it to do that.


It cant be hardware cause I practically have revamped the whole system. Everything is new except the monitor, mouse and keyboard! LOL... I even tried different Cat5 cable, and a different switch! So it is nothing in the first 3 layers.

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If I could physically work on it, I could probably figure it out. But I am not that great with "phone type" support. Sorry dude.

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Well after total frustration and confusion I did MASSIVE checks on the layer 1 part of the network. Finding out that the cable I was using, and the 2 others I had all had bad receive wires. Seems they were ripped or something according to the cable tester. So I will return the cables to where I bought them and make my own for now on.


But that is fixed now.


Sorry for all the trouble. And thanks for your help Clutch... I appreciate it. Even though I usually figure it out in the long run anyway.

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Are your secure channels in place. Use NLTEST.EXE from the Windows Resource Kit and check that the secure channels are operational.


Hope this helps.

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Have you changed cables?

Don't ever, ever, ever rely on the simple things. If you can swap them out for troubleshooting, do so.


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