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Start menu problems

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I know this is a minor problem, but it really tweaks the hell out of me. For some reason, I can no longer double click on a folder in the start menu, to open it in explorer. Nor can I right click and use open or explorer. Each function does absolutely nothing any more. I've had this before and the only way to fix it was to reinstall. Any suggestions?



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Umm strange confused


have you looked in Mouse Properties ect. maybe something has been disabled.


Other than that did it ever work? if so Try a system rollback.

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NT or win2k?

Well since this is the XP Forum I would say he has XP wouldn't you smile

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yeah it's XP alright. Yes it did work, then one day BOOM all gone! I've since done a reinstall cause it pi55ed me off that much!! BUT if any knows how to fix this, I'm sure it's going to crop up again.

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Well, for those who care, I found the prob. It was WinRar's shell addon. If I install winrar and enable the shell extension from the installer, I have to do a system restore to gain the above functionality back again. So installing without the shell enabled works fine.

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