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WINS administration (NT4 with W2K)

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I setup WINS on an NT4 server. I use W2K Pro on my desktop. There is no trust relationship between the domain I have my machine in and the domain where the WINS server resides. I can open the shortcut to the server for Server Manager, User Manager for domains, etc but when I try to connect to the WINS shortcut it tell me "Access is Denied". I am an administrator on the WINS server's domain. I login on my desktop to another domain. However, my username and password for both domains are identical. I can run Server and User Manager through shortcuts. I can launch the WINS admin applet with the name of the server configured as a WINS server but cannot connect. I can open the WINS administrator on the WINS server and from any other machine in the WINS server's domain. Wghat did I over look to overcome this problem? Any answers?





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Just because your username and password are identical between the domains doesn't make the accounts identical. NT sees your accounts in its simplest form as:




Even if your usernames are the same, you will still be presenting the server with:








I have never tried to setup inter-domain name resolution with WINS before, but it sounds like you are simply having user account resolution issues. I have a couple of questions:


Are you using the old NT WINS manager (that came in "Client Tools" on the NT4 Server CD) or the updated one in Adminpak.msi from the Win2K Server CD (also found in the Win2K Service Packs-get the one out of SP2)?


Are you trying to manage the WINS box across a router? If so, do you have the WINS box set to authenticate and be managed across a fixed port (like Exchange's services)?



Check out this link for more info on WINS:



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Here's the scenario again, maybe it's a bit clearer. After that I answered your questions:


Two domains (A and B), no trusts between them. User's account and password is identical in both domains. User's machine in 2000 domain (B). Created WINS server in domain A. When user configures shortcut to USer Manager and Server Manager on WINS server in dom A, all work well. When user uses shortcut for WINS admin, message received: Access is Denied. User's account in Dom A has admin rights. The WINS applet launches but cannot connect to the WINS service. Any help apprecited on this one.


The WINS service is configured on an NT 4 server. I'm trying to connect to the WINS server from a 2000 domain with W2K Pro as a client. I configured a shortcut from W2K to use: \\<ServerName\Admin$\System32\Winsadmn.exe. This ensures that I use the NT WINS admin and not 2000. It works for Server Manager and USer Manager, why not WINS manager?

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So, what are you saying is that you simply cannot launch a shortcut, and that while you can launch shortcuts to the other 2 programs, you can't do it for WINS manager? Have you tried connecting to the same server using a local copy of WINS manager? Better yet, just use the one from Adminpak.msi, as it installs all of the tools and they work equally well across both W2K and NT4 platforms.

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I've tried launching the WINS manager that comes with the ADMINPAK and got the same result "Access is Denied". Also, I can launch the shortcut. I can add the server but it just doesn't connect.

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OK, so what I was working on before is still valid. You *do* have access to winsadmin, but when it launches it does not have the account permissions to connect and manage the server in question (as shown when you use local copies of the tools to connect to that server). Now, the client account being used to connect with, is it an admin account in the domain that (or a local admin on) the WINS server in question? I know that you can access and manage it FROM the server's native domain, and I know that you can cross domains with server manager and user manager (as I have done that before myself), but I would like to know what the managing client's permissions are on the WINS server's domain.

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It gives me the same error message whether I try and run the manager with my local account which is identical to the one in the other domain or if I run the manager running the short cut as the administrator of the other domain.

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I don't know then bud, and as for the local accounts being "identical", I don't see how that's possible. There is no way that accounts in 2 different workgroups/domains could be "identical". They use different domain\username combinations, and different SIDs, so even if they have the same username and password they will still be different, and therefore have different user privileges. I am getting the feeling that you are hitting some sort of user account resolution issue, and the WINS server cannot authenticate you as having proper access privies (which is why you can administer it on the WINS native domain, but not across domains).


When you say you are running the shortcut as the admin of the other domain, are you simply using "run as"? I was going to try to administer my WINS box on my home network from my office, but the NetBIOS calls do not function properly across both of the NAT systems being used. Kind of a side benefit actually, but in any case it doesn't work as of yet. Maybe someone else here has worked across domains and is more familiar with your situation.

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