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why one over the other??

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Hi Group,


I'm about to invest in a new OS, and I've come to a crossroad of choosing Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

I would really like if you out there would present me with some pros and cons of why I should choose W2K instead of WinXP or vice versa.


I'm really looking forward in recieving constructive oppinions.


Thanks in advance.


Kasper, Denmark.

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Buy WinXP Pro, and you can use Win2K if you want since the OS license is backward compatible. Of course, you would still need the media (CD and key) for Win2K if you change your mind, but at least you wont have to pay for the upgrade later on.

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WinXP comes with extra "features" that you may or may not want/need: Movie Maker, System Restore (is not better than a backup at all), Windows Messenger and the Passport that won't die--all aren't an option.

Win2k has been out longer, so you're more likely to have fixes for problems.

WinXP has just come out, but as the newest version, the support is going to last longer.

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In my opinion you should go for Win2k pro as there are quite a lot of probs with XP for the time being... no problem of incompatibilities for me so far, all of my games work just fine (the lasts being MaxPayne, Undying, Severance-Blade of Darkness...). I'm just waiting to upgrade my video to a Radeon 7500 (for the price/perf level) and maybe a new cpu (what about a real P/// 900 I could boost higher...).

So, Win2k is my choice, but do consider what Clutch said about the backward licence until XP is stable...

Bye !

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