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has anybody had problems with the devils own after doing the

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for the past while, i have had some unexplained BSOD c/w stack dumps resulting in reboots


i don't know if it is related to my v3 drivers which i installed, i installed the g.o.d. ones over the original xp supplied ones.


i also notice more BSOD recently, and there was a MS UPDATE for SBLIVE and CRITICAL PATCH for AUG-OCT


i am running devils own 2600 xp pro (for testing purposes)


the most common error is wvm32.sys or something like that (i am not at the pc where i wrot the eror down)


i must say that (if it isn't the v3 drivers) i have had MORE BSOD with this O.S. than with win2k and win98se COMBINED in the same amount of time!


i love this o.s. but am not fully convinced of it's usefullness over win2k right now..... this after using it for a month or so now....


i have pretty much found that the user interface and nice screenies and colors are the only difference (basically) to win2kpro


i like the logon screen and it's features

i like the new user interface


but it isn't worth it over stablity


(oh the gripe i have is with creative labs as well)

but that is a whole different story.....

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