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W2K Boot manager & Linux ?

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Is it possible to start Linux with the W2K Boot manager and how ?

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1. You need to install LILO in linux's own partition. Not c:\ or sda1 / hda1 etc.


2. Get a program called bootpart (get it at http://www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm ). This program will then copy the first 512 bytes of the linux partition and make a file that goes in c:\. By the way the first 512 bytes in c:\ is the NT bootsector, installing lilo in hda1 will overwrite it: BAD IDEA!


IF your good with linux you can use dd to copy the bootsector directly then edit the boot.ini file in c:\ manually, but I don't have an example handy. Sorry.


3. NTdetect then uses this "boot sector" to start linux. It can also be used to repair win98 and winnt menu items. If the original bootsector is overwritten (like re-installing win9x). The program will add the menu items and everything easy!


However i'm not sure if it works with fat32, but i'm sure that won't matter, or maybe the program has been updated.


4. Also make a reference to c:\ in LILO so if you select LINUX in the NT menu and change your mind you can go back!

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