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Q3 in WinXP; is this par for the course?

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I finally installed WinXP Pro on my main workstation at home, and I must say that I am surprised by its speed. Now, I do have a question regarding performance improvements in games. I just ran my normal Q3 check, and using the demo in release 1.30, I now get 102.5 fps vs. my 85fps using the exact same system but with Win2K. Is this kind of increase normal?


Here are my system specs:


WinXP Pro

P3 933@1085, 1.75v (155x7, runs at 29*C at idle, and 41*C while gaming)

Vantec CCK-7035D HSF


512MB Crucial CAS2 PC133 RAM

WD 40GB ATA-100 HD

Samsung 5x DVD/32x CD Drive

Hercules Geforce 2 Pro, 64MB (Detonator 21.83)

Creative Audigy Platinum with Audigy Drive

Intel Pro/100 Mgmt Adapter

Radius 19" Monitor (Trinitron AG CRT)

MS Natural Keyboard Pro

MS Intellimouse Explorer

SanDisk USB Compact Flash Reader


And I am running q3 at 1024x768x32x32, Trilinear Filtering, High Geometry, High Sound quality. Now, the individual metrics aren't so important, as the difference between OSs is what I am wondering about. Are there any others seeing huge jumps like this?

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Hmmmm, No speed change for me and our processors are the same. This is with my GF3 and all updates installed for 2k/XP. Don't have my 1024X768 scores handy but I get about 60fps with my GF3 in 2048X1536.

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Ok did the 1024X768 check. 124fps in both OS's and my duallie is currently running at 1160. See get yourself a GF3 and get a 20+fps increase in 1024+! You little GF2 wimp. wink

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Clutch, the new XP drivers (optimized for XP) drastically increase performance for the majority of its users. Both myself and a friend of mine jumped 12-17 fps in Q3 and about 500 marks in 3dmark2001. Kinda nice for us gamers eh?

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