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gpedit.msc/ help

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I can't seem to find this program anywhere. I have a registry entry for it, but no program. The tweakguides talk about this program.


Does anyone know how to find it or activeate it? I tried run.


I also looked on my upgrade CD, no luck.





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Here's an easier way. Usually, I just "roll my own" when it comes to MMC consoles. Go Start>Run and type "mmc" (without the quotes), and then go to File>Add/Remove Snap-In... and you will see a list of available console snap-ins. You can now add you policy editor, and a wizard will ask you what system you want to manage (you can manage Local, Remote, and Domain).



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I still dont see gpedit. I know I am a moron. What does this program do and why isn't in the add/remove snapons?





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Are you using XP Home or Pro? I am not sure if there is a policy editor option availble in Home, as I haven't used it. In a grossly oversimplified description, you can adjust some system functions and behaviors, along with access permissions to various objects. That might be why you are seeing it at various tweaking sites.


Here is what the snap-in entry looks like when you can select it:



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Thats is what i am looking for. Now to figure out how to use it lol.


Thanks again, Clutch




That one is not in the Home addition. It wont let me use it for home it says it is for the Pro addition. Oh well.


thanks again

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