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WinXp with roxio EastCdCreator platinum "look at this&q

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Hi all! Recently installed Win Xp and all progs and drivers that i use.

After alot of restartings and full configurations of my software and stuff. I thought i was good to go. Sat down and started looking around in XP and spacing away on internet it was time to log of and shut down the PC. Hey "whats up" the damn thing wouldn´t shut itself of!!?? I tried several times but evrytime instead of shuting of it RESTARTED!!!!

Ok, logged on to the net trying to find a soloution, and after a while i found out that the problem wasn´t inside XP, no no. It was Roxio EasyCdcreator Platinum messing this up. So i went to Roxios page www.roxio.com and found out that if i installed:

1. Platinum 5.0 (no restart)

2.updated to 5.02 (no restart)

3.finally the "xp_up_platinum.exe"

4.now restart.

And voila´ The XP will shut of when u chose that command.


Ps. Just a little tip for u out there


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