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Very odd problem.

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Ok, i was helping my mate build a new system. We Installed WinXP (like i've done on many systems before). After the installation we tried to reboot. When rebooting we got an error saying "cannot find ntldr". Now i find this really odd, when we put the WinXP CD in the cdrom driver and try to boot again the system boots fine and loads up to the desktop. I've tried everything to fix it up but nothing seems to work. Windows repair is usless smirk


Anyone wanna help me out cause my friend doesn't want to reinstall (That's what i'd rather do but it's not my computer frown )

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Do you have any CDs or floppys in the drives? Is the BIOS still set to boot from the CD or removable devices first? I have seen some older Dell boxes get hung up on a disk being in a drive an proclaiming it unbootable (no ntldr) instead of just bypassing it and moving on. Moving the HDD to the top of the boot order list fixes it.

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