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Brian Frank

Franknet: now with shorter address!

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i get java errors using ie 6 with java vm installed. you may want to look into running winxp on your daully to check for such things as there are many xp users out there and the numbers are growing fast.

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Are you pimping that bull$hit spyware "Gator"? At least I now know why I get those same errors in WinXP that 420 mentioned. Pop-ups and lamea$$ installers are weak. What service is your site providing that requires a pop-up banner and Gator?

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I don't mind ads on my site, but I mind popups and spy-ware BS. Java and my site don't get along. Hopefully moving to a new server may fix that. I don't do any HTML coding--pure graphical, so I guess that's something on my list to learncool

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So that "Gay-tor" $hit was from your host? That is weak. Also, what editor are you using for your site? I didn't take a look at the source code yet.

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Hi Brian,

Who is your host at the moment? They can not start a SW installation without consent. They are in serious $hit/trouble.

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Actually, in a whole differnt spin--this being a main reason, I'm gonna "merge" with the site www.nagetech.com.

If you've seen a couple of threads about BetaBoard Elite, or by nagetech, this what I'm going too.

Geocities has their own html editor. I am getting frontpage tomorrow so I have it handy. Not to mention a copy of XP Pro. My buddies go to a differnt college in town than I and that college gets MS software for dirt cheap: $5-20 per title. You figure out where I want to get hooked up.


At my school, they've got some java runtime thing on all the machines. I get debug errors every time I goto my page--durning breaks, y'know. ;(

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