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remove entrys from registry automatically

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I have a little general windows question


with a reg file I know how to add entry's in the registry.

Is it possible to use such a script to remove entry's ?


It's quite annoying to go browsing the entire registry after every reinstall. I would prefer to build me a script ( if possible ) and put every entry that should be removed in there.


ps : if you guys do know a way, would it be possible to include an example script , because I really have no clue at this point.


Thanks in advance

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I know how to delete a string, but that's all. To do anything else you need to make an installer as far as I know.


But then MS has all that automated deployment stuff - It could be worth checking out, as well as their msi compliler thingy...anyways here is an example .reg file.


It just covers the stuff I learned accidently while reading a .reg file and I made it to remind myself.




;example reg file, note how comments work

;File must start with REGEDIT4 alone on first line, then a blank line.

;@ means default - @ must have no quotes, and it's value must be in quotes.

;string - (alpha-numeral)

;to delete a string, set its value to -. string is in quotes, it's value is not.

;dword (binary)

;hex (hexi-decimal)

;make sure there is a linefeed/carriage return after last entry (leave a blank line at bottom) or it wont work properly.









; you can put a comment anywhere in the file, as long as its on its own line starting with a semi-colon.

; dont FTP .REG files using ASCII mode, as carriage return/line feeds will be converted to UNIX style on UNIX based Servers.

; Tip: to import reg files without dialog boxes (useful for batch files) run "regedit /s name.reg" (silent mode)



"sub-key-string"="keys must be done in steps"




The word wrapping stuffs it up a bit as does copy/pasting, but you should get the idea.

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To delete a registry key, put a minus sign in front of it in the .reg file:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





@="Scheduled Tasks"

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thanks, I'll have a look at it


btw for the intrested:


I found a little proggy ( from M$ ) command line registry and it does exactly what the name says, registry control from the command prompt, maybe ideal for scripting a batch file


Have still to check it out

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