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7 tech questions

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Hi, I'm fairly new to these forums and NT in general and after using XP for a few weeks I've come up with a few quesions:


a) Can I add a normal process to start up as a service?

(so that it will start before logon and stay running)


B) Can you change the priority of services? (I thought I could have a script so that when I'm in a game or some other performance-critical task, I could drop the 'server' service down to low priority, as running at 100megabit just draws too much performance away when people leech over SMB)


c) Can anyone guide me to a third-party program for transparent (integrated) file-encrytion based on user password WITHOUT installing NTFS? I seem to remember one called something sentry...


d) How do you convert between FAT/NTFS without formatting/3rd party software?


e) Can anyone recommend where to start in securing XP? (in regards to firewalls, packet filtering, acount permissions, file-sytem, services, general do's and don'ts)?


f) Anyone else had trouble with the file search function in XP?


g) I use Norton Ghost (I sometimes swap between OS's or need a quick restore from doing something wrong - my system is used for trying a lot of weird things and often breaks)

and I have noticed that when I restore my few week old image, XP does stuff that slows the computer after first boot. In taskmanager/processes, it is the SERVICES process taking up all the 100% CPU plus heavy disk activity. what is it doing? defraging or what? can I disable/configure it?


If you can answer any of these questions I will be most grateful. Thanks for your time.

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B) press ctrl+alt+del and right click on a process


d) start command and type in "convert c: /FS:NTFS" without the " and where c: is the drive you want to convert

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That's a process. I mean a service.


convert - Of course! Overlooked the obvious again smile

I see you still can't convert back to FAT16/32 though.

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a) Yes

B) Yes

c) Not me

d) You can convert a FAT32 partition to NTFS but not vice-versa

(using windows default tools)

e) There was a link to a good guide posted on the startsite of

ntcompatible (probably in archives now)

f) No

g) no clue

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you rock AlecStaar!


never had a full night of internetting from one reply before smile

that info will keep me quiet for quite a while wink

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