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SB Audigy vs SB Live Value?

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I've not owned a Live!, but I do have the Audigy and love it.

If you're having problems with the Live!, the Audigy relieve you of your problems.

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And what are the requirements for buying OEM??? Usually only with a new PC, but you can get away with it when you buy anything else from the store. Rarely though...

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I buy white box (oem-and I don't have to buy a system/motherboard either) stuff all the time at computer shops in my town. Plus, you can find them online easy enough. So, while it might be rare for you to find them in your town, that is not an accurate statement for the rest of the world.

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o yah man.


OEM stuff is sold like crazy.


ATI's OEM vid cards (Radeon anyway) is sold with crappier memory and a slower clock speed.


There is a palce called tectronics in saskatchewan here, and they sell tons of OEM stuff. A vid card, in a static bag, with a manual held to the bag with an elastic bag.

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Wasn't that the Radeon SE (Slow Edition ;))? I have picked up DVD/CD-ROMs, an MS Natural Keyboard, a GeForce, and other stuff in white boxes. The only difference in these cases was usually less software (stuff that I had full versions of anyway) and simpler packaging. Oh, and it was a lot cheaper too...



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OEM hardware doesn't require the purchase of something extra. OEM software does require the purchase of hardware even if it's a $5 fan.

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Actually, that depends on where you go as well. I had friends pick up Win2K and Office 2K when they first came out in white label as well. That got squashed recently by MS, but we'll see how that plays out.

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I could probably find a handful of retailers right now that would sell you OEM Windows or OEM Office with a £2 non-branded mouse.


Microsoft's official line on the selling of OEM copies is either with a new system or what the class a 'substantial' upgrade, motherboard, Hard Drive etc.

But there are always those retailers who will do what they like when it comes to OEM software.


As for OEM hardware, I wont buy OEM video cards (tend to be slower memory) I wont buy OEM CPU's (I want 3 years warranty, not 30days - 1yr).

Anything else, SCSI cards, soundcards etc OEM all the way, so much cheaper.

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