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Upgrading to Win2k from NT 4.0

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After upgrading our PDC (Primary domain controller) running Windows NT 4.0 Server to Windows 2000 Server I've got a "little" problem with client machines running Windows 2000 Professional: they could log on frown , they see the hole network but when trying to browse any machine in that network the following error message appears: "No logon servers are currently available for netlogon services". Our network contains both NT 4 workstations and Windows 2000 Pro. There are also 2 more servers running Win2k Server - they even COULDN'T log on into the domain 8) . Please, help.

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So, your new W2K server is now running AD (in compatiblity mode for NT more than likely), but you can't browse? What is your current name resolution method? How many other DCs do you have running? I would imagine that you have at least one DNS box running, but do you have WINS still up? That error is normally typical of a blocked or failed name resolution attempt (listed here) where the workstation can't figure out who to talk to for credential validation.

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Is dynamic registration enabled? Is the Netlogon service running on the DC? Have you checked the event logs on the server for any errors?

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Thank U Clutch!!!


I've solved this problem. The problem was in wrong bindings for TCP/IP & Netbeui protocols.

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I have an NT 4.0 shop, and I only use TCP/IP with NetBIOS enabled. No NetBEUI here.

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