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Help! I have XP and playing DTRSC

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Need some serious help here and hope someone with same experience is in this forum. I have upgraded to XP professional. I love the OS. Everything works great on it. Like the speed too. With everything working fine on it, I have one problem. I enjoy playing one game out there which is DTRSC. When I enter a room to race. I can race with no problem. But when someone else enters the racing room it disconnects me back to the desktop. This is very frustrating. It just about happens every single time. I have called DTRSC game support on telephone and they said they have not yet tested with the XP yet but are in the process. He also said it could be due to I have latest Direct x and most of the people in the room have older version, he said try to get them to upgrade to newer direct X . But no one is going to want to upgrade if there own system is operating fine. He went on to say that it should be figured out sometime soon. I am hoping someone else has a suggestion. It might not be the direct X issue. Any help is appreciated as always. Thanks


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Hey Forum,

I have waited a couple days to see if there would be

any response and so far there hasn't been which forced me to

write again. I can't believe there is no one out there experiencing

the same problem or anything close or similar to it. I have asked

quite a few of the people that enter the racing rooms that disconnect me when they enter. I will immediately reenter and ask

them what OS are they using. I am amazed of all of the people

I asked, none of them had upgraded or full installed WinXP professional or home edition. I have ran into a large majority on

the business side of it and on there forums and nearly everyone

of them have Switched to XP. I guess the majority of the people

in the game industry are younger kids that just don't have the

money to upgrade. Who knows what the reason is, But I need to

hear from people that have XP and playing the DTRSC game or

any other game for that matter and experience disconnections

when opponents enter the room. It's very weird why this is doing

this. Frustrating and tiresome. Please respond if you have any

ideas at all to eradicate this problem.



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Sorry man, I'd like to help, but I don't have this game. If anyone had a solution for you I'm sure they would have posted it...

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Ditto, it's not that we don't want to help, we just don't know how to help. I mean, have you tried compatiblity mode? That's about all that I can think of.

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Thanks guys for responding, Yes, I tried the compatibility mode. Didn't help. More and more as time goes by and I run the game, I get disconnected repeatedly. And it seems like the tech guy might be on to something. Cause everytime I have been disconnected, the person has had directX version older than 8.0. I have stayed in the room when people enter the room with 8.0 and 8.1. Just wish there was a way to fix it until they come up with something. Thanks again,


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