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XBOX, PS2, Gamecube, Geforce 3 WHICH is better?


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Well I had a very fortunate weekend. Got an XBOX and a Gamecube. I must say HALO and DOA3 both kick ***. Finally a system that gives my PC a run for it's money. GC is kinda cute I guess but graphics are about GF2 level tho Star Wars Rogue Squadron rocks. Anyways just wanted to know what you guys are playing atm.

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Come on GTA3 is fantastic. Admittedly the ps2 didnt get off to the best of starts but i would still buy one now if i had a choice of ps2/xbox/gamecube. Mainly because i already have a good pc so i dont need an xbox smile and i dont really want to play yet more versions of mario kart etc on the gamecube.

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I think that xbox is great, but it comes down to the games, cuz theorocially the games are not taking full advantage of either systems. So games are gonna make it break it.

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I've got em all. I do like the PS2 as well tho. I have Madden 2002 so I wouldnt buy it for the XBOX or GC. Uber that wasn't very nice of you btw. But I guess a hardcare gamer likes a little of each. The consoles cant touch online gaming yet, and wihtout games like CS and the like they arent going to be as fun as the good ol' PC. But the consoles have the Fighting games and Sports games which I like as well.


The PC tho cannot touch XBOX on visuals, its just way more effecient right now then even the most uber PC. I hope they can find a way to unbloat computers so they can run a lot smoother and not have as many issues, like drivers and stuff. THat would truly be cool.

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My money will go to the first one that will support Divx decoding wink Looks like the XBOX could be it. It's just a matter of time

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I guess a hardcare gamer likes a little of each.

Thats me, I go wherever the games take me. While some of my favourite games are on the PC a few are on consoles too so I play both. Widest range of games = Maximum amount of fun.

From what I've seen so far I'll be sticking with my PS2 for the time being, neither the Xbox or the GameCube offer me anything to justify buying them yet. When some games appear for either platform that I simply must own (I read somewhere that Rare are making a Perfect Dark game for the GC so my interest in that has risen a little) the situation will probably change.

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Cant say enough about this game. Reason enough to buy the XBOX. And DOA 3 is icing on the cake. Just plain good fun :P

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Cant say enough about this game. Reason enough to buy the XBOX. And DOA 3 is icing on the cake. Just plain good fun :P


Not only am I not interested in 2^255 different deathmatch modes, Halos single player game has been done so many times before its not funny. And as for DOA 3 well... I could just get DOA 2 for the PS2 but bouncing jugs aside, I haven't really been interested in fighting games sice I was 12.

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man i couldnt live without my pr0n. All those systems look good but to me my PC is more versatile than an xbox or gamecube. Though the DVD decoding feature of the x-box is nice if your into consoles and don't want a DVD player.

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Halo has not gone where other games have gone, well most of it anyway :P. Last night when I was driving the warthog humvee thingy and my bro was on the turret and he was Like "SLOW DOWN" right before I flipped it and killed us both. Its just a fun game. Max Payne was nothing new story wise but it was dam fun to play. That's where we get into new territory here. FPS are constanlty being rehashed but when one comes along that brings a new way of doing things and does it with style you cannot help but loving it.


THe PC is king at medicore games, tho it's my favorite still, there need to be more polished games like Halo for it. Drivers, crashes and the like don't help stuff. It's nice to turn it on and play without all that extra stuff to have to do.

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Halo has not gone where other games have gone, well most of it anyway :P.

Have you been under a rock for the past decade? Played Doom? Quake 2? Duke Nukem 3D even? The notion of you being some sort of space marine fighting an alien enemy has been done to death and if Halo didn't have its great graphics and 2^255 different deathmatch modes then shallow lemmings like you wouldn't even touch it. Halo looks to me like a very mediocre game. When the PC demo arrives I'll give it a try but I don't hold out high hopes for it. If M$ want my AUD$650 then they are going to have to show me more to get excited about than that.

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Can't knock it till you try it, of course I was sceptical when I first got it. But now I am a believer. You just have to play it first to know what I am talking about. Sure your fighitng aliens, and sure your a marine, but IN DOOM series, Quake, OR even Halflife did the AI know how to fight and you didnt get various vehicles to pummel the guys. The AI is what makes this game. I Shot this alien and the one beside him runs over while im reloading and grabs the dead guys gun and kills me with it. I was totally impressed. These things learn, and they get harder depening on your level of play.

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I'm knocking it based on what I see on the surface, I'm prepared to give it a shot but I'm not prepared to spend AUD$650 on an Xbox for it. When the PC demo arrives I'll try it but unless M$ deliver something that I can get really excited about (that isn't also being released on PC or PS2) I see no point in buying an Xbox.

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Have you been under a rock for the past decade? Played Doom? Quake 2? Duke Nukem 3D even? The notion of you being some sort of space marine fighting an alien enemy has been done to death and if Halo didn't have its great graphics and 2^255 different deathmatch modes then shallow lemmings like you wouldn't even touch it. Halo looks to me like a very mediocre game. When the PC demo arrives I'll give it a try but I don't hold out high hopes for it. If M$ want my AUD0 then they are going to have to show me more to get excited about than that.

That seems like a greatly over-simplified comment on the game. Just about every game that's out can be traced back to some other game. Games are entertainment, and entertainment can be great gameplay, good graphics, fast rendering, pretty colors, large amounts of T&A (as in DoA3), or anything else that people like. I've seen many people like you say the same thing, and also complain that Q3A isn't worth getting, because it's just like Q2. Well, I liked Q1 and Q3, but hated Q2. I loved Forsaken but hated Descent 1 and 2 because of the poor graphics. Fundementally, these games are the same, but when you play them they can be quite different. These differences can be enough to make someone like one game and not care for another.

Just an opinion from a "shallow lemming".


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I loved Forsaken but hated Descent 1 and 2 because of the poor graphics.

Just an opinion from a "shallow lemming".


It sure is...

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PC with XP hands down. Duh! I've realized one thing: no matter how cool consoles are they are easily smacked down by PC's. While it is advantageous to have one platform to make a game for, consoles are becoming more and more PC-ish. Not worth it, sirs. Are there dual processor consoles? I dont think so:D

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It sure is...

LOL, I didn't realize I would hit a sore spot with Descent (I forgot you played it) in comparing it to Forsaken. Did you bother to play D3, or was it simply too much of a rehash to bother with? With it utilizing the same muddy mechanics as its predecessors but with a pig of an engine, I didn't care for it much more than the other 2 of its line. I guess this would mean that Aquanox isn't worth playing, as it's just another 6DOF game anyway.

So, what do YOU consider a great game? What makes a game worth playing? What makes a game so good that you wouldn't call its players (and members of this board) "lemmings"?

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LOL, I didn't realize I would hit a sore spot with Descent (I forgot you played it) in comparing it to Forsaken. Did you bother to play D3, or was it simply too much of a rehash to bother with? With it utilizing the same muddy mechanics as its predecessors but with a pig of an engine, I didn't care for it much more than the other 2 of its line. I guess this would mean that Aquanox isn't worth playing, as it's just another 6DOF game anyway.

So, what do YOU consider a great game? What makes a game worth playing? What makes a game so good that you wouldn't call its players (and members of this board) "lemmings"?

Its not that you hit a sore spot, I couldn't care less whether you like Descent or not, however you indicated that the difference between a good game and a bad one was something as simple as whether it had good graphics and I can't stand that. The reason for that is games are getting poorer and poorer because mindless sheep want prettier and prettier visuals.

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For some people, yes it can be that simple. Look at the consoles, how many games are out that are exactly the same as other old ones EXCEPT for more levels and much better graphics. There are some people that ONLY want an engrossing story line and don't care about visuals at all, and that's their choice. Some play in online RPGs that are like messageboards (like those listed here) because they find those more interesting. No big deal, no desire to bash them for not playing super-flashy action games like the ones I do (or what most of the big console games are). I am simply asking what it is you find interesting in a game. I mean, what other advances are there right now in gaming? The main pushes in technology have come in faster processing, better audio, and of course better graphics handling. There aren't any new processors coming out that claim to enhance the story line or increase the originality of the games played on it.


It's easy to boil almost all of the games coming out down to another game that came out long before, but you seem to be finding something SO new and different in new games that you have a PS2 and not a Nintendo reliving the excitement of Zelda on a 13" TV.

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Just finished Halo, and it kicked ***. Game was fun from start to finish. I hope it does come to PC for MP support. Man was that a hell of a ride.

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Damn, going that fast, did you even have time to notice all the pretty pictures on the screen?



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