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how to disable Windows Messenger with Outlook Exoress or uni


  1. 1. Sharepoint migration 2010

    • Migrating to Sharepoint 2010

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Dear All,

This is an irritating problem. Every time I start up Outlook Express, which is my email client, Windows messenger forces itself open with it. I have managed to set it up such that it does not log on, but it still starts up with outlook! Under outlook express's settings, i chose NOT to log in msn messenger automatically ehen outlook express starts up, and under msn messenger, I set it up such that it does not start up with windows, AND its not allowed to run in the background.

So to keep a long story short:


-MSN is not on the taskbar, and it is closed. However, launching outlook express FORCES a launch of the MSN messenger (windows messenger) application with it.


I have tried to look under add/remove programs for windows messenger as a windows component, but couldn't find it. Please help. This is really irritating!

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Wasn't there some times ago a batch file that forced Windows Messenger to uninstall?

But I started using it... besides ICQ... And - I like it smile

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I found this on: http://www.xp-erience.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=14#Disa


Uninstall windows messenger

Microsoft has tried really hard to prevent you from uninstalling windows messenger. They failed to make it difficult enough because with the directions below you can get rid of messenger very easily.

Navigate to C:\windows\inf

Open sysoc.inf

find msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7 in the file and take out the word hide so the line would look like msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7

Close the file and save it

Now go to the Add and remove programs applet in the control panel and you will be able to uninstall windows messenger.

Make sure to click on the add remove windows components button.

Note: You will be able to uninstall other unneeded programs by removing hide from the sysoc.inf file as well.


Have a nice day,

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I have done this many many times, I did it with Win2k as well. I never see these options on the add/remove list though! I don't see them on add/remove, or in the Windows Components sections. Can someone give me a hand?

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Sure. I beleive this trick is a WindowsXP-only trick since "Windows Messenger" comes bundeled with Windows XP whether you like it or not. So Under WindowsXP edit the sysoc.inf file as described above, and it will work (it did so for me). For Windows 2000. you need not do anything but go into Add/remove programs and look for MSN messenger and remove it. MSN messenger/Windows Messenger comes bundeled ONLY with WindowsXP and its a pain in the a** to uninstall in WinXp, BUT you usually have to INSTALL it yourself for Windows 2000. So try that and let us know if it helps any!

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here's what I did




edited the sysoc.inf, removed it from the installation.


Downloaded the update(just so I don't have to stare at it every time)


removed it from startup in the MSCONFIG



rebooted it.

closed it out in taskmanager


Deleted the "Messenger" Folder in "Program Files"



*poof* it's gone and never comes back.

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I didn't mean removing Messanger in Win2k, I meant simply editing the sysoc.inf file by removing hide in every line that had it. I have never seen those "hidden" options become unhidden in XP though. Am I looking in the right place? I don't care so much about Messanger, but I would like to know what I'm doing wrong, as there are many other things there as well.

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If I stop it from ever running, can it still be run if I need by clicking on the icon?


I still want to understand why editing the file doesn't yeild any extra options to me, that's my main concern.

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Yes, tis nice. No I get greedy and want the best of both worlds. I want it to ONLY start when I click it, as I do use it once in a while. Oh well, I can turn it back on if I need.

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