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I have a question about this game:


I can nowhere find the option to start a server with bots.

How do I enable this ?

Since it's a Quake3 engine , it's unthinkable they're not in it.


And very often when I try to join a server I get:




does anyone know what this is ??

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you are right I am running XP but the firewall was stopped about a second after the install.


But You might be right, I have a hardware gateway in my network which gives out dhcp ( NAT ) and acts a bit like a firewall.


Can't disable t though. Best I can do is map some ports.


Does anyone know which ports are required to play Wolf ?

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thanks I think I'll do write them. Maybe they know


Strange think is though that the 'router' is on pass through everything outgoing. Of course , since it is Nat incoming ports should be mapped but that should only be the case if I should be running a server and others had to connect to it.


Disabling it is no option since my entire network relies on it.


BTW: Am I really the only one who has these strange messages ?


Oh and sometimes it does work but not often, most servers return the above message.

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Client_unknown_by_auth - this sounds like the server is trying to do some kind of query back to you, maybe to find out what version you have. If it is establishing a new connection (incoming to you) to do this, then it's gonna require some port-forwarding.... but the tech support should be able to answer this as well.


Of course I don't know if this IS what's happening, but it's a possibility to look into....

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