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how do i change the theme in the logon screen?

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i dont use the fancy one,its the same one as in win.2000!


i guess its just a reg hack to point to a .theme file,but i haven't got a clue where to start looking,so please help me out!

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msgina.dll is the file containing the old-style logon images.


copy the file to msgina2.dll or something, edit it in your favourite resource hacking program and then add this line to your registry:




[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]



replacing msgina2.dll with whatever you named your new msgina.dll

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Word of warning, be EXTREMELY careful when fiddling with the Gina DLL, as it is what NT will bounce netlogon calls off of. Remember that little issue with PC Anywhere 9.x where Win2K boxes would crash and reboot at the logon screen? It had to do with their implementation of a filter against the Gina DLL. A great many programs that use NT credentials to gauge usage permissions either modify the Gina DLL, or use a filter in addition to the DLL. Just thought I would pass along the warning.

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ok i'll try that too.thanx

i found this:

hkey_users\.default\control panel\colors


hkey_users\.default\control panel\desktop


hkey_users\.default\control panel\desktop\window metrics




but i just cant seem to get the same look as "inside".i don't want to do anything complicated-just no luna and the colors to be same as in win.2000.and i'm half way there,with stopped themes service and some of the colors set the way i want it...

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