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Gravis GamePad Pro's under XP

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Im having troubles installing two of these controllers on my computer.


I have them both hooked up on the same game port on my sound card. If you know about the gamepad pros the have port on the back of the other port of the controller so you can plug another joystick in the back of that one once you hook that one to your computer.


My problem is that it will only recoginze the one controller and does not allow me to have two on the same port. I just resently switched over to WinXP and i had no troubles getting the two controllers to work under Win2k or Win98SE.


Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated





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Ya I have to one controller recognized and working but for some reason it doesnt recognize the second one attached to it. The are both newer controllers and work fine on my other computer running Win98SE. Also I have tried to switch them around to see it was just the connectors on the one controller but its the same thing.




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Me again,

I am again haveing this problem with these two Gravis Game pad Pro's. My Xp machine will not pick them up when i connect them to my computer even with a reboot. And when i try to install it through add new hardware useing drivers off gravis's site, I was installing them as a "sound, video, game controller" then when it asked what kind i said "have disk" then went on my hard drive to find the appropreate *.inf file and picked my type of controller from the list and when i hit ok.. it says " an error occured durring the installation of this device" and it has the device listed as "MEDIA" not my game pad pro... Also in the control panel under gameing deivces in this case it always says... 6 button controller... then always "not connected"... Im thinking of going to go out and buying new USB ones, but i dont want these 3 (sound card plugged into ones) to goto waste, they all worked on my 98SE machine but never on my xp..

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I have the very same controllers, two of them even and XP didn't even flinch when installed them. It recognizes both quite happily. I have it connected to an SB Live value no less. I would suggest that you try installing them one at a time just to be sure that something didn't happen to one of them. If they both work, then connect them in the reverse order and see if they will work that way. Also, check the back of the controller and see if the switch is in one player, two player, or grip mode. Mine currently are working in grip mode.


Hope this helps.

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Ya, when i try to install just one to start off with, I plug in into my sound card (a creative sound blaster Ensoniq audioPCI). Now when i plug it in nothing happens. Then i do a reboot, to see if Windows XP will pick it up. Still nothing. Then i try to do a manually install it under add new hard ware, using the drivers i got off the net. and still it wont recognize it. Im stuck............



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In yer device manager under the appropriate section is there a listing of a game port? If so, you may want to try removing, then refreshing this so XP has a chance to reload the drivers for it, and preferably install the XP drivers for your sound card in place of teh 'generic' XP ones.


If its not there I would suggest to remove the soundcard entirely from Xp and re-install. Most of the time after installing the sound card, a reboot is needed, then it finds the game port and the media controllers.


Now, unless I have really read the post wrong (if youve tried all this already) you can come over and have a drink some time.

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Ya man, i just tired to uninstall every thing accociated with my sound card in my device manager, then i refreshed my device manager and i got it to pick up one of the two controlers connected to my sound card so thats good. i tried it in a couple of games and it seems to be working good. But the other one still dont work. Ill try to fiddle with it again maby trying the same thing or something, but thanx for the help, buddy



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If it'll recognize one but not the other, I would try installing the one it won't recognize on another PC perhaps running another OS. I know you said it did work, but perhaps it went bad? Give it a shot on another PC and see if it works.

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