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WinXP-reboot required for reconnection

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This posting is just to help others who might encounter this issue with Windows XP.


SYMPTOM: You disconnect WinXP from the Internet or otherwise loose the connection.* When you reactivate the connection, it is initially reported as successful by the connectoid. However, it is not so. No response is obtained from the Internet by client applications. The only option seems to be a full reboot.


POTENTIAL Solution: If you have activated "Date and Time" synchronization in [start> Control Panel> Date and Time> Internet Time] "Automatically Synchronize with an Internet Time server"

- uncheck the box

- restart WinXP

- Cross fingers that the problem is gone...you have been frustrated by this problem for a while; I was.


BACKGROUND: Upon disconnection after a certain period of time, it seems that the D&T sync. option causes a persistent connection layer to remain active. This blocks further attempts to connect. Before applying solution above, you may be able to verify that this is your case if the connection you just lost/logged-off still appears as active in the Task Manager [Networking tab].





*In my case problem was with broadband PPPOE - RASPPPOE, but heard stories of Cable and regular modems. I tested solution with modem connection also.

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I used to have this problem, if my connection was lost I had to re-boot (not if I disconnected intentionally)


My solution was to change from ZoneAlarm to Norton Firewall - I made no ther changes, this is also something I had with W2K but I didn't have Norton to try this change at that time.

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