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Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

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Amazingly enough, its not! As a matter of fact, I'm using it as I type this reply right now!

heh, are you typing it outside in the snow? laugh

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LOL, that's OK.

Its amazing because All it seems to be doing is restart the syetem every now and then, and guess what, I keep the machine running! I notice that it runs for a few hours, until at some point where you open up a program or add an MP3 to the winamp list, it would just restart.

Heck, I've run Max Payne on it and it doesn't seem to be complaining.But I DO agree with AlecStaar and evryone else. As soon as that paycheck comes, I'm going to get myself an Aluminum heat sink!

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Well, that's your opinion, again, you know? I mean, yes, that is your right... but some folks they may have run tests with, and they DID do this alot especially back in Windows 95 testings, their majority of testers on 14" units? MUST have told them otherwise...

They do test & from samples of testers, cater to the majority I imagine, to make sales.

I know that not mant people are running on 14" monitors, but I don't feel it is right for those who are to be hasseled every time they turn on there computer to "fix" there resolution. There is nothing wrong with 640x480, and to this day I have no seen anything that NEEDS 800x600 or higher. Windows is one of the very few OSes I can actually say that about and that's always impressed me.


Besides... how hard was it for you to change it, with rightclick on your desktop & up to 1600x1200 you go!

It ISN'T a problem for me on this computer, but the other computer I mentioned, the one I was talking about used a 14" monitor. Whenever I started it up, I'd get this stupid error bubble in the system tray telling me that my resolution was wrong! As you can see, that still bothers me and I don't even have to deal with it now. I would understand if there was something that required the higher resolution, but there is nothing of the sort!

If something ain't broke, don't fix it! It should obviously be an option to use higher res, anything else would be murder, but to not have the option to go lower?! Why on earth would they stop you from going down to 640x480? No research in the world could prove why they SHOULDN'T ALLOW users to use a lower res if they want to.


There is or can be no such thing...

I didn't say anything about there being anything, you confuse me to great extends with this one....


(I can show you letters from folks, by the dozens stating otherwise! Who do you think I will be swayed by the most? I did on the first program APK 3dFx Tuning Engine, omit the ability to use low res std. colored buttons. I did not know the technique of skinning them that year for example. ON the second one, folks like you asked for it, I put it in, the APK Cd-Rom Alarm Clock, I learned it to cater to folks like yourself's tastes.)

You're doing it again (bragging) frown

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I would be quite interested with such a patch! Remember my messages about this, in the other big thread I believe? I could really use such a patch. I'm not running XP right now, have gone back to Win2k for sanity's sake, but I'm sure I'll be with XP again sometime!

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I have never heard of this XP feature. Is it something that is done automatically and by default, or is it something that must be configured?

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You make a lot of questions into statements, I have a headache now frown You don't need to verify everything that you say with us. If you're telling us something, then TELL us, not ask of if it is so??


See, you do that a lot (with the question marks where they don't belong), like I just did to demostrate.


For example, from your post above: "What my program does, is tell Speedisk from the time you logon to your OS?" What, are you asking us how your program works? :P;)


Anyways, that's very interesting, the parts of it that I understand atleast. I'll usually set speeddisk to realtime priority and got to bed, so i have no idea if they fight. And I'm running Win2k now, and for while, so I won't be able to test it out.

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I have lost my reply twice now, so I will be even quicker than I had planned after I lost my reply the first time. Anything that seems like an attack isn't one, it is just said quickly, without extra words to avoid stepping on anyone's feet.


In my lost reply I had a section clarifying how I'm not here to hurt anyone or make them feel dumb. I stand by that, making you feel stupid is not my goal.


As for the Ph.D. part, I don't need a Ph.D. to recognize a poorly constructed or cumbersome sentance. I have excellent gramittical skills, wish my spelling skills were at the same level, and if you could talk to my teachers and peers, they would support me in saying that. Where I old enough to have a Ph.D., and interested in English as a field of study, I would consider pursuing a Ph.D. when I complete university. If you would like me to prove myself, you have but to ask; I am more than willing to go through some of your sentences with you and point out grammatical errors. If you would like to improve your english, I will leave you with one very important grammital element to consider: sentance fragments. You can research this yourself if you like, and I am more than will to help you out if you need it.


Nothing in this universe is right or wrong. Nothing is impossible. I follow those 2 simple rules as I live my life, and try to keep an open mind whenever possible. I am not trying to tell you that the way you speak english is wrong, all I can do is compare it to other ways of speaking. For this discussion, the only way I can analyze your speech is to compare it with what is considered "normal". Normal is a relative term and has relevance only within the frame of reference that it refers too. The frame of reference I speak from contains people that have been speaking only, or primarily, english

for the majority of their lives. These people, like myself, are fluent speakers of the language and have very little difficulty understanding what another means or is trying to say. The most important thing you must consider about english grammer is that it's rules were designed to fit this frame of reference.


I asked you earlier what your native language was, but you never replied. I am fairly certain that you were not born in an english speaking environment, and can say this fairly confidently because the grammatical practices you follow are not "normal", thus do not follow the currently accept way to speak and write english. This isn't me saying this, this is just the way it is. There are certain rules and guidelines for the english langauge and you break too many of them to be an educated adult raised in an english speaking environment. That leaves two options. You either aren't educated, which I highly doubt, or you haven't lived within the "norm" long enough to obsorb it all.


Typos and spelling mistakes are inevitable on the internet, but the meaning is usually quite clear if taken in context with the rest of the text. Whole sentances can usually be decoded in a similar fasion, though not always with such ease.


Could you please decode this for me? This is one of the sentences that I had trouble understanding, and your last port did nothing to help that. I've looked at it long and hard, and can't make heads nor tails of it.

Originally posted by brainsoft:

For example, from your post above: "What my program does, is tell Speedisk from the time you logon to your OS?" What, are you asking us how your program works?

Your sentance start off as a statement, "this is what my program does," but some how ends off as a sentance. If you removed the first comma things would be a little better, but the second half of the sentance is the stumper for me. You're saying that your programs tells Speedisk from the time you logon to your OS. That doesn't make any sense though! If you said WHAT your program tells Speedisk, the situation may improve. Then you start off a range in time that the program will do whatever it is that needs to be done. The time range starts when you logon to your OS, but doesn't have an end, and is somehow a question; that just isn't proper english.


I'm tired now and have re-typed this message too many times now. I appolgize if I have offended or confused you, I am just trying to understand you, and perhaps help you improve your english. There are many people who view constructive critism as an insult, but you don't seem like that type seeing how you responded to user input with your programs. I'll leave you with something to think about:


Normally when someone feels accused of something, they will try their hardest to deny it while supressing, to the best of their ability, whatever it is they are accused of. Being completely honest, did you try to make yourself as clear and concise as possible in your last message?

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I have lost my reply twice now, so I will be even quicker than I had planned after I lost my reply the first time. Anything that seems like an attack isn't one, it is just said quickly, without extra words to avoid stepping on anyone's feet.

Yea, I know I said I was going to be quick, but quick is a relative term too. That reply is atleast three paragraphs shorter than my original reply was going to be, so it is "relatively" short. smile

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Well, I think Alec belongs to that kind of very creative people who are thinking aloud most of the time.

Fingers and keyboard simply cannot cope with the speed of their brain, especially when they do multithread or even parallel thinking when exploring the limits of a given knowledge.

They ask (themselves?) questions while trying to find answers and share their thinking process with others, looking for feedback at the same time.

I call it shared thinking process - like you do at a brainstorming session. Left and right brains are competing all the time. Logical process on the left one, communications process on the right one.

I hope this does not hurt you in any way. For me it is rather a compliment and the expression of a talent.


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He had a saying about speech & written english as well:

"The baud rates' TOO slow!"

(LOL, and I agree with him...)

The baud rates' TOO slow! LOL
I do agree
BTW, Carl Sagan, what a brain!
Technology has to provide the Humans with some kind of high-speed inter-personal communications channel.
Imagine megabytes of info exchanged in a split second laugh

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