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video cards

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what video cards do you have?


i just got a visiontek geforce2mx 400 64mb agp 2x t.v/s-video out

for 159.99 canadain

i'm selling my tnt2 ultra agp 32mb card for 75$ dollars canadain

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GeForce2 Pro, GeForce SDR 32MB with DVI, ATI All-In-Wonder Pro 8MB, and a TNT2 Ultra in my systems at home.

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just got a GeForce 3 Ti200 for $100 USD laugh had to stand in a line for 2 1/2 hours on the day after thanksgiving but hell it was well worth it. It is by far the best card on the market for people looking for great speed at a good price.

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I got a Hercules Prophet III GF3 Ti200.


The Radeon looks great, but what with ATI's 'enhanced for benchmarking' drivers and historically bad driver support I decided to stick with NVidia over ATI this time around.

Hopefully by the time I'm looking again Matrox will have released something, still nothing on the market can touch their 2D quality and their drivers are usually sound.

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Ati woke up and realized the market share they were losing. The biggest advantage you will find other than FPS is 2D visual quality and an outstanding DVD product. The cards are great, as far as drivers are going, they are releasing them for the OS's quit quickly!!

Check out www.rage3d.com for some good insight!!



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ATI: Be Like the Borg and Adapt...

Posted by Jim at 8:28PM EST


This has been bothering me for a long while. Most of you know what I'm all about and generally if I have something on my mind I -have- to share. I'm going to ***** and moan about ATI. While I'm not actually running any current ATI video cards in any of my boxes (I was lucky enough not to receive an evaluation sample 8500 or 7500 from ATI), Cory has played with and reviewed an ATI Radeon 7500. While it seemed fast and overclocked like mad he had (has) nothing but annoying problems with this card.


This isn't a new concept, you've read the reviews out there and understand what's going on. My question is this: If everyone (ATI and the power users of the world) knows there is a problem and furthermore everyone knows WHAT the problem is... Why isn't ATI doing anything about it?


Drivers: We all know ATI has struggled with quality drivers in the past. A lot of people don't really understand why. Are they completely incompetent? Maybe, but the past driver indiscretions are more a product of business model then anything else. OEMs require quality, affordable hardware that works indefinitely and drivers that are functional. Driver updates? They're not overly concerned about them.


Tackling the beast that is the retail video card market is another story, though. We, although a tiny market by comparison, are picky and anal about the video cards we buy. We demand all functions labelled on that pretty box to work without question and we need frequent driver updates to ensure we're getting every ounce of performance from our swanky video card. ATI, while wanting to tap into this burgeoning market has been unable to meet those requirements. The drivers are still poor, we're not seeing the promised regular driver updates, and there appear to even be hardware related problems (boot issues).


Cory has been working closely with ATI on these issues and they continually come back with "We can't reproduce that problem". Rinse, repeat. (A problem Cory has been able to reproduce on multiple systems with multiple 7500s) Apparently the webmasters of the world who've been testing these lines of cards are the ones who are incompetent. It makes perfect sense to me now.


ATI. Listen to me. If you want the benefits that gaining market share in the Retail market can provide (publicity, notoriety, access to a market comprised of people willing to spend lots of money to get what they want, etc) you have to pay the price. Leave ultimatums with your driver development staff: Produce within a given timeframe, or hit the unemployment line.


Be like the Borg and Adapt, ATI. Otherwise people like me aren't going to consider your products or maybe more importantly, recommend them to others. I'll tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends...

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I am a great fan of Matrox.

At work I recently bought myself a new PIII system.

I wont say I had unlimited budget for my new system (hence going PIII rather than PIV) but I could more or less of had any graphics card I liked.

ATI's, NVidia's.......went for the Matrox G550.

I know that when I'm looking at my Iiyama 19" monitor doing Sys Admin work I need top quality image - the Matrox is still king for that!


I dream that the G800 will make an appearance next year, top performer at it's time of release (Like my lovely G400MAX was on release) but with both the usual excellent 2D quality (That neither NVidia or ATI can match no matter how hard they try) and stable drivers.

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I have 21 machines at the business I work for, all Radeon varying from 600 Celerons to 1.6 P4's in my design center, I am unable to complain. I have Win2000 in my design center and the 3 Lumber yards run Win98SE, except one machine running a Paintmatching Analyzer system. My unix server has one too. I currently have sold all my old Vid cards to friends and on various different motherboard platforms and havent had any issues with the Radeons' as I keep up with the jones.:D


Well we all have our favorites




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