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Anyone have the Wingman Cordless Rumblepad?

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I just got it to play Aquanox and Forsaken on my XP Pro box, and I was wondering if anybody has used this controller and how well it works in XP/2K.

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i have the corded version, seems to work well in XP/2K, if that helps any, though i only use it for simple games...tried it out on a demo copy of aquanox, but was too lazy to configure all the buttons, etc..

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It seems to work well, but it took me over 30min last night to get most of the controls to work properly in Aquanox. It's a nice unit, but I still really miss my Space ORB for gaming. It is a MUCH better unit for 3D/6DOF games, but there are no Win2K/XP drivers for it since the company went belly up a while ago. There are some people working on the issue, but I am just looking for another method to play games right now. smile

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i kinda regretted spending US$40 for it, it didn't come with any games and the only game i ever play is counter-strike, i ended up taking it to the office cause the boss's kid likes it alot, heh...gotta do something to make up for the days i show up to work drunk:D

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