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replace all your Instant Messaging software [read this]

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I wish there's a way to emulate IE for Linux. Anybody figured it out yet? IE is way too good of a browser NOT to be on Linux. Netscape, YUK!

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Ver 0.7 was released today.

It's pretty sweet, and I thought I would push this back up since it looks like your could easily be ignored.


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The new Trillian is SO much better! All it needs now is a good history and I'll switch to it full time!


Alex, for customized non-standard programs, a uniformly applied theme is generally the best route to please the audiences eye. Take Trillian for example. Many things are different colours, but they all go together! smile


I'll check it out, as I just said in my emial =)

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Actually, it seems to have some sort of history logging function as well (or a couple of them, I can't tell). But, for a stupid question, why would you use that anyway? I have seen several people ask about it, and the only reason why I have kept some of the logs was because of some funny dialogs (but I just saved it manually). Just wondering.

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I know there's a log, but it's really shody and a complete pain in the *** to use. I often have longer conversations with people, people who aren't always on at the same time as me. When I get a message from these people, I need to refresh my memory as to wtf we were talking about, so I look in the hostory. If I have to filter though the logs (only useful for IRC IMHO) I tend to go crazy. Triallian treats each time you open a message window to someone as the start of a "session," and similarly the end of one when you close it. There is no native way to make Trillian work exactly like ICQ does, by default it wants to act like AIM and MSN, with chat sessions. I don't like chat sessions though, I want invidual messages that I answer when I choose. I think that that MUST be an option, along with the default way. ICQ has both modes and Trillian needs it too.


Because I set trillian up like ICQ, where sending a messages closes a window and hitting enter DOESN'T mean send, it means new line, There are a LOT of open and close sessions in my log. For every three lines of log, ONE is actual message content so logs in the currently implemented format are NOT a very viable solution.


shassouneh, if you want IE that bad install Solaris.

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