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IIS Setup in XP

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Heya clutch


I was wondering if you could point me in the direction for a good IIS setup (web page or a forum). I am throwing it on my LAN for exp, but I would really like to read about it before I do. I've done some google searches, and came up with some modest stuff to say the least.


I wanna get it "locked down" and what not before I go galavanting around in IIS so i dont spred stuff around.

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NP bud, there are several ways you can do it and they are pretty easy. What are you looking to host? Static pages? ASP? WWW and FTP? What's your poison? I will try to narrow down the info I send you so you don't get saturated.



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Sweet...I owe you for this one...



What are you looking to host?


Well...I have FTP server atthe moment, but i wouldnt mind trying out M$ ftp server. Mainly though I am looking for WWW. ASP would also be nice, but I only have exp with php and sql (no mssql, but thats another story). Basiclly I wanna just host a web page that I am working on.



thnx alot

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This is a general link that will eventually lead to the ones below, but may have stuff on it that you find of interest:




Here's one that has a few sources on setting up IIS 5 (and why it's better than IIS 4):




It has a nifty presentation on it, and will give you an overview of what to expect.


OK, for securing IIS, start with this one:




It will introduce you to some of the more basic concepts and shows you some of the tool (like the hisecweb template) that can be used to secure IIS. I like URLScan myself, and live by it on all my IIS boxes. This is included in the new security toolkit from MS (found here) and really kicks a$$. If you need help with it, let me know. I have a specific file that I use to allow Exchange 5.5 OWA interaction, but locks down everything else.


Now, for other stuff in IIS (and some nifty FTP tweaks), check out:




Get on his mailing list, and you will get heads up on impending disasters as he is in pretty close with the IIS team. Also, because of an email that he sent out, I will be beta testing the new .Net servers pretty soon. I just love toys...



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Ok clutch, seems everything is installed and hot fixes have been applied, or so the nshc32 tool tells me.


I like URLScan myself, and live by it on all my IIS boxes.


I dl'd it and ran the ASP Dynamic template and what not, but I am still unsure to what exactly it does. Something about filtering through a set of rules???


But, the links were VERY helpful especially under securing, Disable IP Address in Content-Location.

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