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HELP! How to password-protect shares

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Hi, i've searched for entries to this topic, but didn't find any.


How can i set a username and a password for a certain share without enabling the guest-account, so that, if a win98-computer accesses my XP-Computer, a mask with username and password is openened.


Thanks ahead!!

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Is is correct, that you can only encrypt files under NTFS?


But if i've got to use NTFS, Win98 won't be able to read it !?!

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actually you're not able to set passwords for encrypted files, because these files just belong to their "Encryptor", so there's no necessity for a password. If you're are not the Encryptor you can also view the file, but yu're not able to open it and not asked for a username/password to do so.


Creating user-accounts on my PC similar to those on the Win98-Clients won't work, cause we've got 16 PCs in our network and the other Users won't tell me their passwords (of course).

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note: you have to copy/paste the full line above or its a broken link


still haven't found a way to have guest access to some shares, and password others (like win9x) will look into it properly tomorrow

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