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Winzip or winrar(which one is better)?

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I think (though I may be wrong) that RAR is a more efficient compression method that produces smaller compressed files ... but Zip is more widely used!



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WinAce is better, forget winrar or winzip!



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Alec can u post a homepage for this PowerDesk, u got me interested there ???

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I love WinZIP, but being that it doesn't handle rar or ace, I also have PowerArchiver...

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AndyFair, you are absolutely correct.


WinAce is ok, I used to use it before I changed to WinRAR, which seems faster and less buggy.

The interfaces are virtually identical.

Only thing is the ACE format keeps changing and isn't forwards compatible, so it takes WinRAR a little while to update to that format.

I use the RAR format for all my stuff, it is superior in many ways (and the multimedia compression is good, although ACE has copied this now) The main reason I changed formats is ACE files seem to get corrupt a lot.


note: both WinRAR and WinACE read ace/rar/zip/arj/tar/gz/lha/other formats, and WinRAR and WinACE are made by the creators of their respective formats.

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Downloading PowerDesk4free now. Umh someone mentioned corupted files with ace, that is not an option for me(any loss of backup data would result in disaster folowed by me going primal on the keyboard). What about safety(data coruption, errors) of the progies you guys were mentioning. Once i got bigtime broken zip files(can't remember the version) you can't posibly imagine expression on my face when zip files refused to extract !!!

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WinRAR all the way! Second WinACE and MAYBE third WinZIP.


rar format has higher compression, greater stability and awesome efficiency! It can unzip every major format, including ACE, and has an easy to use Interface. Only once in a blue moon do I actually open the application, I do 90% of my exracting directly through right clicking. The only time this isn't true is with files names .001, .002, etc.


Longlive WinRAR!


Hardly one uses the ace format, and if you end up with an ACE file the newer versions of WinRAR can extract them. It Can't create them, but who would want to?


WinZIP boo!

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Plus you can add a recovery record 1% to 10% in size with WinRAR, save NTFS security options, and EASILY span large files into any size you want.

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Now that is exactly the info i've been looking for, hehehe indepth capabilities and flaws of progies !!!:Dlaughlaugh

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Powearchiver, but now I use 'exclusively' Winace.


Very fast, very powerful, and loads of right click options to files.

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