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80GB HDD only recognized as 32GB???

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Hi guys!


I just recently picked up a Seagate Barracuda 80GB 7200RPM ATA100 HDD. But I've been having problems trying to get the full disk space recognized. So far I've used Partition Magic 5 and 6. I've used Disk Management on Win2K Adv. Svr. and WinXP Pro without any luck. It just tells me that there is only 32GB.


I know what you guys are thinking. I've been gipped. But I purchased from a reputable dealer who I've been going to for the past 2 years and I checked the serial and model number off the Drive and in the System Info tag. All of which point to a 80GB HDD.


Here are my system specs:


PIII 800 MHz FSB100 Slot 1

512MB SDRAM CAS2 PC133 (Infineon 2x256MB sticks)

Abit BE6 First Version with latest BIOS Flash since yesterday

Asus 6600 Geforce256 Deluxe

Seagate Barracuda 80GB 7200RPM ATA100

Maxtor DiamondMAXPlus 45GB 7200RPM ATA100

Quantum Viking IV SCSI LVD 68Pin 37GB 7200RPM 160

Creative Live X-Gamer First Version

Adaptec SCSI 29160N


Hollywood Magic Plus


If anyone has any insight into my dilemma I'd much appreciate it.


Thanks in advance guys.

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Does it, by chance, have a jumper listing on it reading "clip"? You may see it as 20GB, but for some reason I thought I saw 32GB once before. In any case, on really large drives you may see a duplicate of the same master/slave/csel settings, but one allows for full access and another "clips" the drive to a lower setting.

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Don't f*** with jumpers. Many bioses had problems with HDs larger then 32 gig.

1st thing you should do it go to your motherboard website and get the latest biosand flash it.

Then check to make sure that your board reads HD as 80 gig. If it does

then you should be ok.

Also I think you need SP1 for win2k to read hds larger then 40.

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Umm, check out page 22 of the manual here, and see for yourself:




Also, in his post he stated that he had the most recent BIOS as of yesterday, so I am inclined to believe that it is current. Furthermore, I can remember Win2K server being able to manage well beyond 40GB drives without the need for SP2.



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I would say its probably jumpers myself, having actually experienced it with my IBM drives. Gave me a bit of a shock for a few minutes until i figured it out.

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Hi guys!


Clutch: you were right about the Clip which limits to 32GB but there was no jumper set for it. It just has no jumpers at all to set it for slave mode. I've got that same manual from seagate as well and even tried some of their utilities without success. I did the sector by sector format tool and diagnostics check all report AOK.


Igor: I've already had the latest BIOS Flash for it and HPT controller recognizes it's model type but only sees it as 32GB.


AlecStaar: It's set for autodetect but it's the HPT Controller BIOS on the Abit BE6 (original version) that recognizes the HDD with UDMA66 and up. And it sees it as only 32GB on boot as well. I was successfull loading WinXP Pro on it as well and it was formatted by WinXP Pro originally then by Win2K Adv. Svr. then by Patition Magic 5 and 6 as I stated in the original msg.


I'm using it in WinXP Pro right now as a secondary slave.


Thanks for all your responses. I just seem to be SOL.


I guess I'll trade in for anothoer 60GB Maxtor which I've had no problems with on my other system.


Thanks again.

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Bummer dude, it seems like there's either a jumper on there (which you state there isn't) or the logic is fried and it "thinks" there is one still set (which can happen).

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