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NT locks up when browsed with XP

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HELP. This problem shouldn't happen, but it does. I have two NT machines running our network (NT 4.0 SP 5 or 6, I forget.) Most client machines are 98SE. I installed XP on my machine. When I browse our network drives, and quickly jump from folder to folder, I can actually lock up the server.


We have two servers, one for critical files and the other for no-critical. This lockup problem can occur on either one. And when they lock up, it requires a cold boot - no three finger salute. Other than this problem, everything else works fine: I have proper access to my drives, internet access, etc.


I've gone through all of MS's updates, and haven't seen anything like this posted on any sites, or the MS knowledge base. Remember - I am not executing files on the nwetwork drives, just browsing the folder contents. I can browse the folder contents, but it appears that the lockup happens when I do it too quickly.


Ideas please.....



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Make sure you are at SP6a first on the NT Server, and then let me know how it goes. Also, what protocols are installed on the client and server?

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