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Corel 4 does'nt work with XP...WHY????

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Hi! I need some help here...please!!!

When I try to run Corel Photo-Paint versions 4.0 with Windows XP,

I receive the following error message:


PntVideo.DRV not found or not enough memory


this is strange because I've got 256 MB RAM and 801 MHz


what should I do to fix this problem????

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Isn't Corel 4 a 16-bit Windows app? I think it may be time to move up to a 32-bit version or try reinstalling it if you haven't done so.

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you're right it's a 16-bit Windows app. but if I want to work with

my picture until I'll get a 32-bit, there must be a way to make this old version work, no?!!!



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um run win3.1 virtually with one'a dem proggies and the run it.




dude you are kinda saying the same thing as

"i wanna play my nes games in my game cube"


you should send me some email dude i could "sugest some software" that you might like!


fukin LOL

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Technically you shouldn't have a problem with 16-bit Windows apps in XP or NT. I am running Encarta 95 still, and its a 16-bit app. The problem may be due to incorrect win.in and system.ini entries. Ah I remember those, you'll have to consult your documentation with Corel 4, other than that there isn't much anyone can do here. If you wanna work with some JPG or GIF or BMP images you can use Windows Paint, if you are working with Corel Draw files, there may be some shareware programs over on download.com that can import it for ya. Good luck.

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