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Brian Frank

Microsoft--forced to expose source code...BOO!

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I know I'm not a lover of everything MS does, but the article on the main page is disturbing. Microsoft is being attacked, leaving no stone unturned, by people that feel Gates and Co are screwing everyone. I'm sorry, but 2 wrongs don't make a right here, folks. MS has every damn right to keep their source code under wraps to anybody it wants to. It's called business, and there is nothing illegal about it. The last thing we need is a Linux-ish Windows with who-knows-how-many variations (in the extreme case).


The whole case against MS, in my opinion, is because people are pissed off that Microsoft is successful and they are not. Hello!! What the hell happed to something called "competition" Wether MS abides by this is a different storey, but so far I have yet to see anything that makes me desperately want to ditch Windows and IE. The closest things, respectively, are Mac OS X and Netscape (blech!).


It's pathetic that today's society is a bunch of babies that abide by this: "If ya can't beat 'em, sue the hell outta 'em!"

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