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Vampire-Redemption dumps to desktop during area transition..

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Right after I said it was working fine, too. It did, up to a certain point. When you get to the point where you leave Prague and go to Vienna, it dumps me to the desktop when I try and exit Prague. I installed it on my other machine (Win95), copied my savegames over, and it worked fine. So, I saved it there, copied the saves back to my WinXP box, and loaded up the save I made in Vienna. It loads up and I can walk around just fine. As soon as I try to go through the door into my haven, it dumps to the desktop again.


I've tried both the 95 and 98/ME compatability mode settings without any change in behavior.


Does anyone out there have ANY idea how I can find out what the game is trying to do right before it dumps to the desktop?


It seems to have problems with saving games too... it won't overwrite existing saves (even though it says it does). I have to manually delete the slot in explorer before I can make a new save there. I wonder if that is related somehow...


Grrr... between Diablo II crashing on alt-tab, Need For Speed 3 having some weird keyboard lag problem, and this... I'm beginning to get a bit frustrated...

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Never mind, I got it.


It seems to be related in some weird way to the autosave not working. I can't overwrite existing savegames either--it "says" it is saving, but it doesn't actually work. I have to delete the games manually in explorer.


At any rate, the problem stemmed from the autosave, for some reason it decided it was going to start crashing rather than just gracefully ignore the fact it could save. Manually deleted the autosave slot and it is back to its previous behavior (autosave not working, but the game isn't crashing.


I never would have figured it out with the application compatability toolkit from M$-- I used QFixApp to trace the windows calls and noticed the last thing it did before it dumped was try and access the autosave.

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