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Ant -|- One

Am I dumb or what ?

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I gave a try to TRILLIAN all-in-one messenger, but how come I didn't find the way to tell it to warn me (pop-up) when a new mail arrives (like MSN Messenger does -I have a Hotmail account-) ?

TRILLIAN set itself to the system tray to do what ? If I have to keep TRILLIAN open in front of my eyes to see my mails arrive, what's the use of it ?

Thank to anyone for a tip, 'cause I didn't found the trick...

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The option is there, somewhere...you can open the status window and hover the mouse over the MSN connection icon, and it will tell you if you have mail or not.

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You're right Palos, but I want a visual warning (pop-up in the system tray like MSN Messenger does), I don't want to have to hover the mouse like you said to know wether I have mail or not. Is there a way to manage this ?

Thanx again !

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i looked around but i didn't see the option. Its not that important for me though since i just open up outlook everyonce and a while. E-mail the author of trillian and maybe if he likes the idea he will put it in the next version.

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