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multiple hard drives

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i dont know a whole lot about computers. i just installed a new 40gig hard drive and formatted and i am now running windows 2000 on it. i still have the old hard drive from the computer sitting in the slot. i want to know how to run both of them at the same time. i want to be able to load up the windows 2000 and be able to switch over to the old hard drive to play a game that only seems to work with windows 98. can someone explain to me how i do this?


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It sounds to me like what you really want is to be able to dual-boot.... here's a guide to help you with that: Full Guide to OS Dual Booting


If you want to know how to have both hard drives hooked up to the computer at the same time, look in your hard drive manual for master/slave settings, and follow the instruction there.


Since you admit to being a newbie, you might want to find a friend who can show you how to do this stuff. We could give you all the tips in the world, but it will probably be more helpful for you to see it done...


Good luck!

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