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Infected by a VIRUS...

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I am runing Norton Antivirus 2002 on Windows XP and I had Disabled Auto Protect feature. So I get infected by a W32.Wierd(gen1) Virus.

I tried to turn autoprotect ON, but it just generated some errors, so I reinstalled NAV2002... The autoprotect is now ON by default, and it works fine. But when I open NAV, to scan my disks, it generates some strange script errors... Okay... This is not what I am trying to ask...


Can NAV2002 scan disk in Boot-time? Because I have infected some files, that are used by the system, so they can't be disinfected when the system is using them. I don't know how to fix those files... But if they can get infected, there is a way to disinfect them...


So NAV works wery strange in this case... Is there any better Virus scaner? What shuld I use to solve my problem?


Thanks for helping me,

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Just boot using the norton cd and you will get the option to do a scan....hope you have a copy ofsystemworks 2002. Be warned, the scan takes forever....very long time frown

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To remove this virus:


NOTE: Removal of this virus requires that you have a DOS boot disk or Windows Startup disk, and assumes that you be familiar with using basic DOS commands at the command prompt.



1. Insert a clean DOS floppy disk or Windows Startup disk into the floppy disk drive, and restart the computer.

2. At the prompt type the following two commands, pressing Enter after each one:



cd windows

dir *.exe /a:h


All .exe files in the \Windows folder that have the hidden attribute are displayed.


NOTE: If Windows is installed in a different location, make the appropriate substitution when typing the first command.


3. Look for a file with a size of 10,240 bytes. The name of the file is generated by taking the computer name on the infected system and changing some of the characters. Write down the name of this file.

4. Type the following, and then press Enter after each one:


attrib <file name from step 3> -h

del <file name from step 3>


5. Type the following two commands, pressing Enter after each one:


del wininit.ini

del wininit.bak


6. Restart the computer.

7. Start Norton AntiVirus, and run LiveUpdate.

8. Run a full system scan. Attempt to repair any files that are infected with W32.Weird. If they cannot be repaired, you must delete them and restore them from a clean backup copy, or reinstall the deleted file.

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Thanks, mike3169...


Well I am kinda familar with DOS command since DOS 3.3x...

But on my system I use NTFS as my primary filesystem, so old good bootdisk wouldn't help me much... Okay I know, there are some NTFS readers for dos, but anyway I'd rather not use them since XP's NTFS differs a little from NT and Windows 2000's one...


I deleted files you specified, because Norton Antivirus ignored them.. Hehe I feel better now... But I disinfected my system with trial version of PC-cillin 2000, and now I am using my NAV2002 again and it reported no more infectious files... smile I hope I can be carefree now... smile



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If you can boot up to win xp, just use the system restore, and restore your computer to a date before the infection.

Hope it helps, FREE

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Thanks, freefaller6, I set back the Restore point creation feature... It was off before... so I was unable to do that... smile Hope it will save me in advance... smile

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