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Xp Sp1 ?

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Does anyone know when SP1 for WindowsXP is due to ?


Because I encounter sudden crash while playing a game (i.e: Soul Reaver 2), with a message at reboot telling me there was a Cx0000005 Access Violation... Could it be a SBLive issue just like in Win2k ?

Any hints welcomed !

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BladeRunner, how do you know SP1 for XP is due at the end of january ? Tell me how do you know it ! And Thanx for the info !

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That error isnt gonna be fixed by a service pack, stick your cpu back to default and see if it still does it (like bladerunner said :)).

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I've been told that the beta package of XP SP1 will be available end of January.

That is different from the 'WinXP SP1' you see on various web sites.

All they are offering are the Hotfixes that anybody can get by making a quick call to MS.

You should only really be installing the Hotfixes if you have that specific problem anyway.

End of January should see the XP SP1 installation bundle, of course that will be leaked/stolen etc and will be available on your favourite 'scum' web site from the end of January.

I''m also pretty sure that the official release of SP1 will be sometime towards the end of February (usually a month after the SP is released as a beta).


I'm still not convinced a SP will fix your error anyway, try un-clocking your CPU and see if that error goes away.

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Yes. Try dropping it back some. I've found XP to be very finecky about overclocking. Unreal and UT-based games are much more CPU intesnsive than video card intensive, and that sounds like your CPU cannot handle that high of speeds. Drop the speed down until you don't get anymore errors, and live with it. It doesn't matter how high you can go and still get into Windows. It matters that your overclock is not unstable from what you can tell.

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