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ThC 129

Can't complete a defrag without system freezing

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For some odd reason i can't defrag my D: (WD 5400 60 gb ATA100) without my system freezing. Every other drive is fine but that drive. I did a quick format and it still ****s up. The drive has been scanned and there are no file or sector errors on the drive either. Im beyond reason here on what the hell is going wrong. Ive tried using Diskeeper 7 and Norton Speed disk both freeze my system.

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Just an odd thought, but is your pagefile on that drive? Is it on a separate controller?

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its on the same controller as C: i had the page file on it but its not on there now. Let me move it to a different controller and see if i have any different results.



Thanks clutch moving it to a different controller worked, now to find out why they won't both work on the same controller.

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OK here is a report, my D: will not defrag on my 1st IDE controller. This is a fresh install of XP so its not that. I dunno what the hell it is, i will look some more and see if i can't figure it out.

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OK, here's another suggestion. Maybe the IDE driver is having issues with any activity going to your C: drive while you are defragging the D: drive. Or, the cable itself could have a bad connector that you were using. Just some more wacky thoughts to throw at ya...



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the problem seemed to be a few files that the defragging programs have issues with or something, i excluded those files and it defrags fine. Thx for the info on that program, i use the page file defragger they have on the site, and thats good.

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